Credit Collection Activity Schema

Credit Collection Activity

Enses Credit Management is a service provider created from the concept that a group of experienced professionals in the field of judicial and extrajudicial debt collection as well as accident and medical malpractice , lawyers and private investigators could be able to provide to customers, individuals or Companies, a better and qualified service in every area of expertise making use of its legal experts, technicians, consultants and professional advisors active in various fields .

Our proposal is characterized not only by the multi- sectoral nature of the skills involved but also because it offers the possibility to entrust the recovery of the debt without any prior cost involved in the assignment of the case, according to the tried and tested formula “no win, no fee”.

Relying on Enses Credit Management means relying on a structure that provides the customer all the experience and professionalism for the protection of him/her credit rights. Thanks to numerous conventions, Enses Credit Management is able to completely manage every type of claim, releasing the customer from any anticipated fee concerning credit collection / insurance damages claims, and providing technical assistance, in order to ensure a quick and convenient consultancy, making use , both in and out of justice courts , of legal advisors to protect the injured or damaged party/ creditor.

Starting with the general protection of credit resulting from a contract , our Collection Consultants activate the prelegal procedure in order to obtain the satisfaction of the creditor. At the same time we can offer access to the business information suitable to evaluate, if necessary, the opportunity to take legal action targeted on specific assets of the debtor : The purpose of our work is to avoid customer already affected by the presence of a defaulted asset position , a further increase in costs without a real chance to get a payment.

Our customer is then relieved of any advance fees for the processing and the study of the claim. The solution ” no win, no fee” allows a customer to use a third party for the approach to the debtor and negotiation , with statistically more satisfactory recovery than the “ home made collection “ , which is normally realized with the use of unqualified company personnel . Processing the claim on a win percentage base makes it clear to our customers that Enses Credit Management , through a friendly approach but serious and firm in the protection of the essential interests of its client, counts firstly and fore mostly on it’s own ability and know -how accumulated over the years.

In addition, the activities of Enses Credit Management, regardless of the outcome of the negotiation , have or may have a positive effect to the creditor such as:

  • The information gathered on the pre legal procedure may be the basis for the evaluation of the transmission of the case to the legal department;
  • Official recovery “ notice “ letter of the letter stops the legal limitation period;
  • Any communication received from the debtor during the negotiation may have the value of acknowledgment of debt , for the purposes of court proceedings;
  • Closing the processing of the claim negatively , in certain circumstances , allows the issuing of a loss Statement of credit for tax purposes.

With a decade of experience in the credit collection field, Enses Credit Management provides its services to the major Italian credit institutions and credit recovery companies, offering the same standard of operation and performance abroad, as the exclusive member for Italy of the International Credit Exchange (ICE Network).


Code of Ethics

The staff of Enses Credit Management adheres to the code of ethics of the category, in the performance of debt collection, in particular to the following directives:

  1. Disclose to its clients the content of this Code of Conduct;
  2. To avoid any detrimental action , of any nature, against the image and / or interests of the Companies / individuals or Collection Agencies assigning the case and / or Creditors;
  3. To Perform its commitments as per the letter of appointment / task, following scrupulously the rules of the Italian Civil Code relating to the mandate and the diligence of the agent;
  4. To answer the activities carried out solely and exclusively to the Customer to the Collection Company, respecting the directives received;
  5. Not to contact, in any case, the creditor company and its agents, dealers or third parties, without express prior written permission of the Collection Company assigning the case;
  6. Behave in a scrupulously fair manner and independent from influences of any nature which could affect the actions against the debtor;
  7. Not to accept fees, gifts or favors of any kind from the debtor, and check also that the staff, in charge of the claim for, does not carry this type of action;
  8. Hold against the debtor conducted a firm and determined, never lead to oppressive attitudes, insolent and / or unnecessarily petulant. Do not exert undue pressure or threats against the debtor, in order to induce him to pay;
  9. To contact the debtor with discretion and care in appearance, having the utmost respect for the people contacted and their privacy;
  10. To provide comprehensive explanations on the individual components of the total amount due (including interest and costs of recovery), informing the debtor of the possible legal consequences of any non compliance;
  11. not to replace, in any case, the debtor in payment of sums due;
  12. not to demand payment of amounts other than those specified by the Collection Company for recovery;
  13. not to qualify, under any circumstances, employees or officers of the creditor;
  14. not to qualify in any case with titles, qualifications, duties and / or functions that are not true;
  15. To perform activities as per the mandate received, with loyalty, with maximum confidentiality and professional secrecy, with absolute prohibition to disclose, even partially to any person and / or for any reason, the news and the information learned while recovering of the debt;
  16. To comply with all applicable laws, with particular reference to the regulations regarding debt collection, privacy, mental and physical unrestrainable methods of coercion, the inviolability of the domicile.

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